Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Don't be an Obnoxious Exerciser!

Being active is great....for you and your family...hopefully it will keep you alive longer, but please don't be an obnoxious exerciser! Here are 5 ways from that you can be really obnoxious while working out:
5. Wearing spandex - very few people actually have a body that looks good in spandex, everyone else looks rediculous!
4. Making your workout a competition - If you're on the treadmill, the only competition is between you and yourself....not the guy on the treadmill next to you.
3. Being the guy who sweats everywhere - Seriously, wipe yourself and the equipment down!!
2. Wearing shorts to run outside when the temperature is below freezing - You're not impressing just look crazy!
1. Loud grunting every time you exert yourself - Ok, we know you're working out hard, but there's no reason to sound like a rhino in labor!!!

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