Friday, October 7, 2011

Flirting Tips from Guys!!

If you are on the market for a new man, and want to improve your flirting skills, here are some tips from guys on how to maximize your flirt:

Smile a lot: According to men, a pleasant, happy face is incredibly attractive and appealin

Look into his eyes: Maintain eye contact while you are talking -- it lets him know you are interested in what he is saying.

Sound interested, but don't overdo it: Listen attentively and ask pertinent questions, but don't fawn all over a guy or act like his number one fan -- it can be too overwhelming.

Use the right body language: Casual, confident touches can be a wonderful flirting tool. Just don't touch too much -- everything in moderation. Don't close yourself off, either, by crossing your arms or wringing your hands -- you don't want to appear stand-offish or nervous. (HealthyAndBeloved)

Just Asking ... What are your tried and true flirting techniques? Guys -- what moves are a total turn-off?

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